Make Sure You are Protected During Your Travels

There is no telling what is going to happen when traveling. You spend all your time saving and planning for your trip and then an inconvenience can ruin it all for you. One way to make sure you are protected in case something like this happens is by enrolling in travel insurance to make sure you are prepared.

From lost luggage to medical expenses, things can add up quickly if you aren’t prepared for these unexpected issues. Save yourself time and money in the long run by inquiring about our travel insurance offers. Not sure if it’s worth it? Give us a call today!


  • The ability to cancel your trip and receive benefits if there are any interruptions
  • Benefits if your baggage is lost or delayed
  • Pre-existing conditions coverage (if purchased within 21 days of the deposit)
  • Medical coverage for emergencies and sickness
  • Coverage for medical and security evacuation
  • Phone assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Mike Stuart